
I have put together this simple webpage, mainly as a place to post Blog writings, and in this way to create a greater awareness around matters of importance, that effect all of us.

The past two years have brought many challenges to the world at large, and many personal challenges to everyone on the planet. We all share a common bond in this way. People have come together, though at times this has had an element of being united in fear. One thing that has been missing at times, from the mainstream discourse, is the inner strength that we do have as human beings.

Likely there has been a Dark Night of the Soul that has characterized most everyone’s experience. In now moving forward with expanded awareness, and being well informed, brings greater self empowerment.

The Pheonix that fills the background of this page is symbolic of resurrection and rebirth. Similarly, what is presented at this time, is the opportunity to rise up with greater determination, and to take a renewed perspective of how we see things.  We all have our own part to play, and individually and collectively we have the potential to make shifts in a positive direction.

Wishing you inspiration and strength as you continue your life’s journey.

∼ David

“It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.”

– Aristotle –

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

– Margaret Mead –